Thursday, January 26, 2012

Christmas, part 2

So, the day after Christmas, the boys {and dogs} and I headed south to Mom's, while Rich headed north to PA to begin a closet transformation.  More on that to come.

He had a wonderful time, and got to see lots of family and friends.  GG was in town from Cincinnati, which was a major bonus; Aunt Shannon was in from Tennessee, and Aunt Poonkin came in from North Carolina.  Good times were had by all!

Aunt Poonkin decided that H needed a ball to add to his collection.  A very large, very bouncy ball.  Thanks, Aunt Poonkin.

We got to visit with Baby James...who isn't much of a baby anymore.

And his Momma was {finally!} successful in changing my mind.  H wore his first cloth diaper {a FuzziBunz Medium that Baby James had outgrown} while we were there, and as of today, we have been 100% cloth for 18 days!  I'm still working on building up my stash, especially for when #3 gets here, but thanks to flushable liners, I am completely committed!  {More on this to come, I'm sure!}

Some of us kept putting our leg in a plastic jar and {attempting to} walk around.

 G loves his little brother sooooo much!  HA!!!

Aunt Shannon convinced Oma that G wanted to make more roll-out cookies while we were there.  She tried to pretend like it was G's idea and would make wonderful memories.  I think it was really because she wanted to eat the dough.

 Oma tried really hard to get Hudson to decorate his dough.  He clearly remembered how delicious it was and was having none of it.

There were some candids taken...

Notice the dough in her hand!


We had a great visit.  As always it was too short, but we'll be back again soon! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Reveal

We had our 20 week anatomy scan on Friday, December 23rd.  I was up in the air whether I wanted to know the gender of "Thing 3" or not...leaning toward no.  My dear husband, however, just HAD to know.  Seriously.  There was no convincing him otherwise. 

So, we went for our scan on Friday afternoon.  From what they could tell, {4 techs tried} all looked good, but the stubborn little bugger wouldn't give them several of the measurements they needed.  Namely the head.  Or face.  Or left arm. After several repositions, a couple potty breaks, and a bunch of poking involved, we still never got to see a head, but legs finally opened and they were able to tell the gender. {and I got to go back for a 2nd ultrasound in early January to get the rest of the measurements!  I love repeat ultrasounds!}

I had finally told convinced Rich we were going to wait and find out on Christmas morning.  I'm not even kidding when I say he couldn't have waited until May.  He seriously didn't think he could wait 36 hours.  Ridiculous. 

Anyhoo, we took an envelope to the ultrasound with us with 2 cards in it.  One said "BROTHER" and one said "SISTER".  I had cards at home, too, and had been practicing with Garrett so he could identify which card said what.  After they made the discovery, we had them take out the wrong card and put the picture inside the envelope.  And the waiting began. 

Christmas morning, after we discovered Santa's gifts, it was time for the envelope.  I got it on video, but don't have a clue how to get it from there to here.  One day. 

I opened the envelope and then Garrett pulled out the card and told us that we were going to have a....


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas 2011...A recap.

Life has certainly gotten in the way of my blogging - and most aspects of daily life - recently.  So, before I forget, or it's July 4th, here is our Christmas Day in photos:

All G wanted was cars from the Cars movie.  So glad Santa delivered!

H got a new ball pit from the big guy.  And so far, over 3 weeks later, it's still in one piece!  Whoo-hoo!

Finding more new cars in Mack.

This face pretty much sums up his day!  Love.

Their stockings held big bubble wands. Daddy decided they would be fun as light sabers.  Needless to say, this game ended quickly.

Hudson helped finish the last of Santa's cookies.

Hope Santa doesn't have any communicable diseases.

Love the grin!

Mimi & Pappy gave him an Elmo who sings, plays his drums, a tambourine and uses a microphone.  Not nearly as annoying as you might imagine.  :)

At first I thought he was trying to kiss Elmo.  No.  He was trying to talk into his microphone.  ha!

Reading the directions to Daddy.  This, by the way, is officially the Most Annoying Toy.  EVER.  G loves it but, man.  It's bad.

How he spent most of the day.

We got them a basketball hoop.  Quite the hit.

Good shot!

Trying to get a picture of my guys.  Stupid Rhode Island covered H's face in all the good ones.

Christmas night we watched the Polar Express.  Again.  {And yes, I did change their pajamas before bed!} ;-)

We had a wonderful day, enjoyed our time together, and although it was odd to have just the 4 {1/2} of us, it was nice to spend some time together before the boys and I headed south and Rich headed north.  The southern leg of the trip to come....