Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Swimming and the Funk

We'd been talking about getting G in swim lessons since last fall and finally got around to it!  He had his first lesson yesterday morning, and did wonderful!  I wasn't nervous at all about his abilities, but you just never know how he'll do with a new experience.  Especially a new experience where we're not directly involved. 

After a tad of hesitation, not wanting to take off his shoes or shirt, he walked directly into the pool with his class and didn't look back.  Yay G!

And after the 2nd class today, his teacher pulled me aside and said he would definitely be promoted considering he had already started swimming unassisted today.  Woo-hoo!!

Unfortunately, it looks like tomorrow's class will be minus 1.  H woke up from yesterday's nap with a 102.6 fever {it was gone today!!} and apparently shared with his big brother.  Just as suddenly, G came down with it {whatever "it" is} late this morning {seriously . . . one minute the kid is running around the back yard totally normal and the next he's laying on the deck with a 102.3 fever} and has spent the remainder of the day on the couch.  Even more unfortunate, every time I've given him meds for the fever, he's gotten sick within an hour.  Poor baby.  :( 

Tonight's goal - to keep E from getting "it".  Not in the mood for an ER trip.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hap A Day You!

to quote a new 2 year old who {obviously} enjoyed his ice cream cake almost as much as he enjoyed singing the following to himself . . .

hap a day, you.

hap a day, you.

hap a day, Hus-in

hap a day, you.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Hudson, you are

What you're up to these days:

* You go to the doctor on Wednesday so I'll update your stats then.
* You're wearing mostly 24 month/2T clothes and size 7 shoes.

* You are so funny!  I literally laugh at you more times a day than I can count . . . which is almost as many times as I shake my head at your antics!
* You talk all the time and so much of what you say is clear enough that even people who aren't around you 24/7 can tell what you're saying.  Some of my favorites are:
     ~pee-ton {peanut/pretzel/any type of snack that you don't know what it's called}
     ~you add "it" to the end of everything {"bumpit" if you've bumped your head/arm/leg/etc, "bopenit" ~ open it, "upit" ~ if you want something that is up and you can't reach it};
     ~"open" can be use correctly {open the door} or for anything you don't know what it's called but you want {if there was an emu in our house and you wanted to touch it, you would want to "touchit...open"}
     ~Instead of using an "f" sound, you use a "p". . . 'poot' = foot; 'pend'=friend; 'pie'=fry

* You also love to "ping". {swing}

* You can count to 13 {starting with #3 . . . weirdo.}.

* Anytime you see a bird, you say, "Shoo, shoo . . . bird! Go way!"

* You would be outside all day every day if I let you.  Many days as soon as you're up from nap you're looking for your shoes so you can go out.

* I think you may have loved t-ball season even more than Garrett did!  {that's all you want to do when you're outside}  You're actually quite good.  Left handed pitcher, I'm telling ya'!

* You love, love, love your brothers!!!

* You are an absolute mess.  You get into everything and can destroy an empty room in about 32 seconds.

*  You love animals!  Last weekend up in Pennsylvania, you were chasing Mimi's cat around and looking for the "meow meow".  Poor "meow meow" did  not want to see you nearly as much as you wanted to see him!

*  You have NO. FEAR. 

*  The past couple weeks your switch has flipped and you've realized you're 2. You've become quite strong-willed, opinionated {much to Garrett's dismay}, and the independence has multiplied. You love to be a "helper", and if I don't let you . . . or don't realize you want to be . . . a fit - complete with throwing yourself in the middle of the floor - will ensue.  The other night, for example, you didn't want to help me by carrying your milk into the dining room {you wanted to carry Garrett's . . . without a lid - ain't gonna happen, kid!} but as soon as I set it on the table, you started screaming "HELLLLLPPPPPPPER!!" and proceeded to carry it back into the kitchen, set it on the counter, and waited about 3 seconds before picking it up and carrying it back to the table.

I cannot believe that it was 2 whole years ago that we met you for the first time. Your spirit is as bright as your big, blue eyes and I hope that never changes. You definitely wear me out most days, but I just melt when you flash that smile at me.  And throw in a "hold you" or an "I a you, Mommy" {I love you} and I'm done for.  There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great things with your energy and love of life. I just hope you don't kill me in the process.  :)

Happy Birthday, Monkey!  We love you!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Our first 3 generation picture of the guys . . . and a pretty damn good one.  Even if the FIL does look like Grizzly Adams.  :)

happy, happy father's day to my baby daddy. as my card for him said, "i'm glad you're the one i chose to procreate with". 
hee hee hee

Monday, June 11, 2012


One minute he can sound like a college freshman, and yet the next he can still sound like a little boy.  Here are a few of his "funnies" recently:

* "fedder" = feather

* He asked the other day "if you add jelly to the peanut butter, it turns to o-ba-jay?"

* If it's not nighttime, it's "lighttime".

* He was playing with his sword and told me he got it in "After-ca". {assuming he meant Africa . . . ??}

* You don't run into a wall {or your brother} . . . you "boom" the wall. Or your brother.

* If we're going somewhere, we "get on our dressed".

* He's big into repeating.  Or having us repeat him.  I hear "Mommy, say . . . " 96 times a day.

* If I say we're going to do something later or tomorrow, he'll ask if we're doing it after a "light nap" or a "dark nap"? 

Ha!  4 is so fun!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

One Month

Easton, you are

What you're up to these days:

* You haven't been back to the doctor since you were 11 days old {and already back up to 8 pounds!} but I'd guess you're around 10 pounds now and probably 22".

* You've already outgrown most of your newborn clothes, and wore your last newborn diaper this morning.

* You're a pretty easy baby, although you let your displeasures be known. There definitely isn't a problem with your lungs.

* If I had to lay money right now, I'd bet your eyes will be blue!  Time will tell.

* Your brothers are completely in love with you!! You get no less than 50 kisses a day!

* You are a pretty good sleeper and last night even gave me EIGHT straight hours!!  Granted, every 20 minutes after the first 6 hours {your normal stretch} I was awake and making sure you were still breathing.  But let's try it again tonight so I can join in, too!

* We'll take your first road trip this coming weekend - to Pennsylvania for Father's Day.  Hopefully you'll be as good a traveler as your brothers are.

* I can not believe that it's already been a full month since you joined our family!  A month ago I couldn't begin to imagine how quickly this month would fly by.  I know the next time I blink you'll be turning one. 

* I told your daddy a few weeks ago I don't want to wish away time, but I also can't wait for those smile to start appearing. And you didn't disappoint. You've already flashed a few million dollar ones!

Easton, you have completed our family in a way I didn't know was possible.  It's only been a month, but I can not imagine life without you in it.  You very well may be the most loved little boy ever created . . . at least according to your brothers!  I can't wait to watch you grow, and hope you three are always best friends.  Happy one month, little man.  Mommy loves you.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Phone Dump Friday {on a Saturday}

Man.  It's been a while . . .

                     Waaaaaaaaaay back in March . . . or early April . . . at some point B.E., we went to Frying Pan Park/Kidwell Farms with our mom's group.  This little dude decided to show off :

We also went to the Reston Zoo.  These boys love them some animals!

A common site at my house.  Lists.  And lists of lists.  And a color-coded calendar makes me happy even when I'm not going list crazy before giving birth.

H & Sayla swinging at t-ball practice, and the other crazy child showing off his mad sleeping skills.

I swear.  Checking on this child every night is an adventure.  This night he had not only put on his sneakers, but had also taken off his pull-up and put on a pair of shorts . . . inside-out, of course.

With no time to waste, 21 hours before I checked in to be induced, the boys' shirts were done!

Day 2 . . . showing the bruise that covered his poor little head after coming out "sunny-side up".

All dressed and ready to go HOME!!

R and I slipped away before Mom left town to celebrate E's one week birthday for a little sushi.  Y.U.M.!!!!

"Watching" his first t-ball game at 9 days old.

The boat is temporarly residing in our back yard while Rich replaces the flooring.  His helpers are awesome.

E tried out the Moby wrap . . . and slept like, well, a baby.

Enjoying some ice cream.

Silly mohawk bathtub boys.

Captain America is at our house almost daily, and a sweet Tennessee fan.

Wide awake {at 10:30pm} after a bath.

Celebrating Memorial Day . . .

 . . . in the pool.

Pretty sure he exceeds the weight limit.

But such a sweet big brother!!

Another awesome big brother!!

Cool Dude.

Sweet baby.

And, 2 reasons I know my bladder control is not what it once was . . .

He's started undressing himself at night.  Apparently even zip-up sleepers aren't Hudson-proof.  Luckily, though, the snap diaper was.  This time.

And, quite possibly, the best photo ever taken.  EVER.


Oh yeah, I'm TOTALLY saving this one for when he runs for president!!