On Saturday, the 2014 Blue Claws' season drew to a close.
And we added 2 more trophies to the collection.
Both boys had a great season and each had 2 coach pitch hits and 1 off the tee.
Last year we chanced it and had the end-of-season party at the park, but this time decided to party in Coach Mike & Lisa's back yard instead.
Rich gave a little speech and then it was on to the trophies.
We got all the players balls again, and put every team members' names on them.
And then they had one last team cheer.
"Two, four, six, eight! Who do we appreciate?!
Blue Claws!!"
Everyone brought a side, so we had quite the spread to add to the hotdogs and baseball cupcakes.
And, no party is complete without a post-party sweaty selfie! :)