Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Thankful Phone Dump

Well, if intentions count, I'm golden.  Not sure where the rest of November went . . . or 2015 for that matter.

So, in a combination of sorts, here's the rest of my Thankful List comprised of pictures from my cell phone . . . A Thankful Phone Dump, if you will.

I'm thankful for mirrors that only stay clean for a few minutes.  
Also, I'm thankful for modern medicine and instantaneous x-rays.

I'm thankful for this guy who, can drive me mad and is still perpetual motion, LOVES as hard as anyone. 

I'm thankful for this guy - who's personality is 2nd to none; lazy evenings spent shirtless {for some of us} piled under blankets watching a movie, and for the Daddy who introduced him to the fun of having whipped cream squirted in your mouth. 

I'm thankful for this snazzy guy who just feels like being "fancy" from time to time. 

I'm thankful for coffee.  The. End. 

I'm thankful for the constant lack of personal space . . . sometimes.

I'm thankful for sweet smiles, and orthopedic offices who don't even laugh when you call for an appointment to replace a cast that took a dive in the dogs' water bowl. 

And when I look at these sweet smiles - even when they're driving me batty - I can't help but be thankful {and amazed} that I was lucky enough to be chosen as their mom.