Sunday, September 30, 2012


I'm such a freak.  Acknowledgement is the first step.

So, I've been fostering my creative outlet, The Caffeinated Mommy, for about a year and a half now.  The etsy store {} is doing pretty well, and I go in spurts of creating . . . stuff.

I guess it was about a year ago, a customer in Florida bought a bib & burp cloth set I had listed.  She loved it so much, she contact me to make several more sets for her.  No big deal. 

A month or so later, she contacted me again with a request.  She wanted a newborn gown {which I had listed as an item made to order} and a hospital gown for her to match.  I found a hospital gown pattern online, agreed to do it, and after several days of hemming and hawing over it, finally started sewing.  I blogged about it here {yet another creative outlet which has been neglected} but long story short, I was super psyched with the outcome and have made several hospital gowns since.

i think it's safe to say she likes black & white damask.

 this order went to NYC!

sweet Baby R.
So, about a month ago, I get an email.  Baby N is going to be christened, and she contacted me again.  {see where this is going?!} "Oh yes!  Of COURSE I can make a christening gown/romper for him!  I'd just love to!!  Hell, let's throw in a blanket to match."  Because, you see, I've sewn SOOOO many satin-y rompers before.  And just as many blankets.  With satin binding.  And because I'm freaking insane.

This crazy thing has completely monopolized my life ever since.  Fast-forward 3 weeks, countless hours in front of my machine, numerous phone calls to Mom {who actually CAN sew}, a few YouTube viewings, a little blood, many tears, and a few bottles of wine, and we have :

I am quite pleased with it, or at least I would be if I could bear to look at it anymore.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to remotely wish it was staying here so I could pull it out and look at it {someday} because it looks that good, but I will also be the crazy lady doing a little happy dance when I drop it off at the post office in the morning.  There will be no need to call for help.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Last Friday

Last Friday {September 7, 2012} one Garrett James Evans had quite the eventful day.

First, he went to his first day of preschool.  And loved it!

While it appears he might be practicing his pledge of allegiance, he's really just playing with his pirate.  And of course H had to join in on the fun!

Such a big boy. sniff

This one still makes me tear up.

The little boys and I went to the library and basically killed time until the 2 hours of his abbreviated day were over.  By the looks of the smile :

 . . . it was a success! He was quite excited to tell me about getting to play on the playground, eating crackers, and using the boys' bathroom.  Wow.  Glad I'm paying big bucks for that!  ;-)

So, then we get home and over lunch, read one of our library books:

After lunch, I was changing Hudson before nap, when I hear him, "Mommy!  Look!"

He comes running into H's room and smiles . . . the loose tooth is laying on it's side.  As H says, I've got "poop eh-a-wear" so I tell him to hold on just a second. {lovely visual, eh?}

Before I can even get a new diaper on, much less wash my hands, he has the tooth in his!

Even though he had just hung up telling his Daddy about school, we had to call back and tell him it was out!

Needless to say, nap time was sabotaged so bedtime came early.  We had talked about the tooth fairy coming and bringing him money for his tooth, but quite honestly, if he were an only child I don't know that we would have even done the whole tooth fairy thing.  He was so not into it, and was determined she would not come in his room.  Fair enough.  So, around rolls Friday night, G goes to bed, and his tooth, in his newly made tooth pillow from Oma, rest . . .

 . . . in the hallway outside his door.

And while we weren't excited about the tooth fairy coming, and are too young to fully understand it's coolness, G is the proud recipient of a crisp, new, $2 bill!

Hopefully today will be a much less eventful day!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Free Smiles

Seriously. How can you not when you see this??!

"Shake a booty!"

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

4 months

Easton!!  You're


What you're up to these days:

* We went to the doctor today and you're 16.3 pounds (60%) and 25 1/4" long (50%) and 100% perfect!

* You're wearing 3-6 and 6 month clothes now.

* This past month you did a lot of traveling. You went to Ohio and met GG and most of your aunts, uncles, and cousins.

* We spent the week after the Ohio trip at Oma's and we had you baptized on Labor Day Sunday.

* You have found your tongue and your feet and play with both all day.

* You are still so in love with your brothers and they can get you to smile with little effort.

* You are sleeping pretty well - usually from about 10 - 5.  If I could be picky I'd bump it back until 11 or 12-7 but I'll take what I can get!

* Just today, you started rolling over.  Photographic proof:
I was taking your picture on the quilt this morning, and had rolled you onto your tummy to try to get some cuteness captured.  Instead, I captured your first roll!
 All of the rolling was just to exciting, and Garrett even had to join in.  I think he was showing you how to roll over here:
 . . . and the 2nd roll.  :)

Easton, you are so loved!  You're are such a happy little guy, and quite laid back.  I can't believe you're 1/3 of your way to 1, or that I was lucky enough to be chosen to be your mom.  Happy 4 months, buddy!  Mommy loves you! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Rain Dancin'

After the weekend in Ohio, we went to Oma's for the week.  We had plenty of pretty days, took walks, and hit 3 parks, 1 school playground, and a new bounce place . . . none of which I got pictures of.  Oops.

Come Saturday afternoon, the weather changed, and some rain came through.  We were on the best ever made porch when it started, and the following is what ensued :

 H thought he was big stuff, but G was none too sure about such nonsense as playing in the rain.

And then finally, he let loose.



 I think he decided that dancing in the rain is pretty fun!