Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sweet Sleep

I've been such a blogging slacker recently {sorry, Oma!}. No excuse, except life is busy.  I was just emptying all the pictures off of my phone, and there are some real gems.  I WILL get back to blogging . . . I still need to play catch-up, especially and most recently E's 18 month post.  Man, he's a hoot.

Anyway, as I was emptying the pictures off, there was a recurring theme.  Apparently I like to take pictures of their many "interesting" sleep positions.

A rare day that G actually napped . . . Iron Man had to be covered up, too.
 And then, well, then there's Hudson:

Everyone sleeps with a hanger, right?

He was adamant that he wanted to sleep on the floor.  So, he did.

A common scene on days we think we don't need a nap.
 And neither of these last 2 were in the middle of the night.  This was how he initially fell asleep.

Silly boys.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Slices of Life, Vol 2 {Hudson edition}

To say that Hudson can push my buttons is probably the understatement of the millennium.  Some days I wonder how we will ever survive.  But even on those days, he can make me laugh like no other.  Here are just a few I've jotted down over the past several months :

* Until a few months ago, every time he'd come out of his room he'd exclaim, "It's me!" or "I'm alive!".

* Even though he's a "big boy" now, occasionally at bed time he'll crawl in my lap and say, "I wock {rock} you." 

* Upon asking him what he wanted for lunch one day, "I want bologna and cheese.  With no cheese.  With no bread."

* Our boo-boos don't heal around here, they "melt".

* Hudson has unfortunately picked up every tidbit of bad language Garrett has brought home from school, he's heard from friends, or strangers on the playground.  His potty talk gets him in trouble most days . . . usually more than once a day.  One day he was talking ugly and I asked where he had learned that {anticipating he'd give me a name and I could threaten that we wouldn't play with them any more} . . .

"Hudson!  Where did you learn that?!  Who taught you to say that??!"

yeah.  totally lost it and he knew he'd won.  dammit.

* crocodile = croc-da-didle

* Last Saturday evening, I was painting my toenails before church the next morning.  The boys were getting in the shower with Rich, and running around our room while he was shaving.  Hudson was quite intrigued and wanted me to paint his "pigs" too.  I didn't think Daddy would fully appreciate 10 pink pigs, but told him I would paint one toe and asked which one he wanted me to paint.  He chose his "foot-thumb". . . also known as his big toe. {which, of course, immediately reminded me of Garrett's footnapkin}

And, maybe my favorite :

* The boys have had runny noses the past week or so.  When H first started with his cold/allergies/whatever it is he told me he had "a cough and a God bless you."

Monday, September 16, 2013


The boys are playing ball this fall, and their first game was on Saturday.  Rich is herding cats coaching again, and this season will be a combination of t-ball and coach pitch.  Hopefully Hudson will do as well as we think he will with coach pitch so both of the big boys can be on the same team in the spring.  I'm pretty sure one practice and one game a week will be booking our schedule plenty.

Hudson's first time up to bat:

And Garrett's:

Easton's ready to play, too.

The post-game snacks are still the highlight :

Baseball Buddies :

We're looking forward to a great season as the Express!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

16 months



What you're up to these days:

* You don't have a doctor's appointment again until 18 months, but you're probably around 23 pounds.

* You're wearing 18 and 24 months clothes.

* You cut all 4 of your eye teeth this month!  Thank heavens we're done now until your 2 year molars.  {Let's hold off on those for a bit, m'kay?}

* You've started saying "Daa-eee" for Daddy, "uh-oh", "nah-nah" {knock-knock . . . on a door/wall/anything hard}, and occasionally something that resembles Mommy.

* You had your first visit to the ER. I have the feeling this won't be our last visit.

* You have FINALLY started drinking milk . . . as long as I mix it with Kefir/one of the boys' "yogurt drinks".

* You will eat anything.  And go to anyone. And you run everywhere.

* We went to PA last weekend and you got to go on your first carnival rides.  You loved it!!

* You LOVE your brothers and your Daddy.

* I still have to get it on video, but when Daddy comes home from work and asks if you want to wrestle, you take off down the hallway to our room and keep looking back to make sure he's coming.  It's hysterical!

* You are such a lover!  You hug and kiss everyone and everything . . . alive or not.

This was baby G's birth announcement.  He carried it around the house all afternoon kissing it.

You are still the happiest, smiliest, baldest baby I know!  We love you more than much and can't wait to see what your next months and years have in store!  We love you, Beaton!

And, just for comparison's sake, here are all 3 of you boys at about 16 months:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Since the moment Hudson became mobile, I would have put money on him being the first casualty.  The first ER trip.

Last Wednesday (Aug 28), Mr. Easton decided he needed to carve his own path in the Evans history books, and after a fall (trip? stumble?) at a friends house, he became the first to make the ER trek.
Although I was standing 20 feet away and facing him, I didn't see it.  We all just heard the bang and then the scream.  When I got over to him I didn't even see anything at first . . . it wasn't until I went to wipe away his tears and pulled away a blood-covered hand that I knew where we were headed.  

After I cleaned him up, sent the above picture to a physician's assistant family member, called the pediatrician and Daddy, E and I loaded up and headed to Reston Hospital Center's Emergency Room.

Poor baby was ready for nap time and passed out on the 7 minute ride.

We were triaged while I signed in, taken back, examined , cleaned up, and out the door in under an hour.  No stitches and because it was laying so nicely already, not even any glue.

The cut healed relatively quickly {by Saturday it looked like a little scratch} but the bruising is still hanging around.  As hard as he must have hit, the craziest part was the bruising.  There wasn't a whole lot to begin with, but the weird part was that the color never left the confines of his birthmark.  I'm sure there's a scientific reason for this, but it just blew my mind.  His left eyelid looked basically like it did 15 1/2 months ago.

And by Sunday, this is all that was left:

Dang if that doesn't look like Hudson!

I'm so glad our first ER visit wasn't terribly exciting, he's healed just fine, and there was no eye damage.  Counting my blessings, and saying a little extra prayer it'll be a long while before we grace those doors again.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today was our first day of Kindergarten.  sniff


And then there were two . . .

He had a great day, learned a "get in line" song, can't remember any of his new friends' names, and even got to go to the gym.  And there was a BOY teacher!  Imagine!  ha!

Kindergarten was "way, waaay, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" better than preschool {and that says a lot!!!} and it definitely gets "2 thumbs up!"

Even if one thumb is busy holding his stuff.  :)